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Organic Orchard

Each of our vineyards has a vegetable garden. We aim to train our workers and promote the development and growth of organic vegetables for family consumption.


Soils are the basis for the healthy development of our vineyards. They provide the nutrients and the microorganisms that allow the development of our vines, grapes, and our wines. In organically managed soils with compost and lots of organic matter, bacteria and fungi grow abundantly and contribute to carbon capture. This avoids its release into the atmosphere offering a concrete solution to climate change.

Native Forest

Conserving the biodiversity of our native forest is an essential principle of Emiliana’s philosophy. By means of our plant nurseries, we seek to promote, develop, and grow native plants, as well as preserve the already existing flora in a specific area.

Efficient use of energy

Energetic efficiency and climate change are subjects of utmost importance. Both have been consistently addressed in our winery to reduce carbon emissions. At Emiliana, we encourage all types of sustainable practices that directly benefit the environment and our community.

Biological Corridors

The trees, plants, and flowers that make up these corridors are native to the area. So they are naturally adapted to the climate and water conditions of each property. The general purpose of these corridors is to increase biodiversity, both in terms of vegetation and of beneficial insects, birds, and other animals.

Biodynimic Preparations

At Emiliana’s wineries, we store the preparations under special light and temperature conditions. In biodynamic agriculture, there are nine preparations (numbered from 500 to 508). Each is related to mineral elements and influenced by the constellations and by the solar and lunar cycles. Once completed, these preparations are transferred to the soil, giving it the strength and energy necessary to vitalize both the compost and the plants.

Our Workers

For Emiliana, the commitment to our workers is essential. Day by day, they make it possible that this project –unique in Chile- meets the highest quality and sustainability standards, thus reflecting the wines we want to share with our consumers.


After finishing the harvest, we transport the grapes to the wineries, where they undergo different stages, such as their reception, fermentation in stainless steel tanks, and aging. Each of these stages defines the body and texture of our wines. Our wineries are outfitted with the latest technology and infrastructure, which, in addition to the commitment of our team, allow us to achieve high-quality processes that give rise to excellent wines.

Cover Crops

In each of our vineyards we grow special crops called “cover crops.” They are sawn between the vines to avoid erosion, improve soil fertility and attract beneficial insects. The most characteristics are the leguminous plants that naturally provide nitrogen and nutrients to the soil. There are also flower-rows, which are part of the organic practices of attracting insects and preventing them from attacking the vines.


Together with the organic and biodynamic practices that we carry out at Emiliana, protecting biodiversity through the interaction between animal and plant kingdoms plays an important role. The above-mentioned encourages the development and coexistence of different species within each of our vineyards. Native flora and fauna coexist with alpacas, horses, cows, birds, chickens, coots, and sheep, among others at Emiliana.

Biodynamic Calendar

The plants are exposed to and molded by the forces that come not only from deep within the Earth, but also from the sky. Light from the sun, the moon and the planets with their cycles and rhythms; each of these cycles affects plant life differently, contributing to a particular and specific form of growth and development. By understanding these cycles and their influences, we can program the different activities and agricultural tasks using the Biodynamic Calendar, and improve the quality of the plants we grow.

Beekeeping and olive trees

In our estates, we also produce honey and olives. After their harvest, both turn into organic products of excellent quality that we sell in our store located in the Casablanca Valley and in other parts of the country.