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Today, more than ever, the plant needs our commitment for its care.

At Emiliana we are constantly working on new challenges to help protect nature, mitigate climate change, and promote the well-being and development of people. These commitments, together with our organic and biodynamic agricultural practices, are an essential part of what we do, and align with our purpose of “reconnecting people with nature."

Learn more about our sustainability strategy here

Regenerating soils

Healthy soils are fundamental for the production of our organic wines. We regenerate soils through the incorporation of compost and pruning waste, as well as using cover crops. These steps increase the biodiversity of microorganisms in the soils, increase the accumulation of carbon, and improve the accumulation of nutrients that are then passed on to the grapevines.

Healthy Vineyards

Organic management allows for the correct control of pests and diseases in the vineyards. The increase of biodiversity through the use of biological corridors is key to maintaining heathy vines. We minimize the use of outside additives to maintain these healthy vines, and instead use only products certified for organic agriculture.

Organic Winemaking

Our organic wines are free of added flavors, colors, and synthetic preservatives. They are also free of pesticide residues and any genetically modified organisms. We make our organic wines by letting nature due its work, while investigating the best practices to continually increase their quality.

Climate Change

We look to neutralize (or reduce) our emissions of greenhouse gases. Through the measurement of our carbon emissions we identified the principal emissions to be reduced. We have measures in place for recycling, efficient energy use, renewable energy use, and lighter bottles that generate less CO2 when transporting our wines.

Organic culture

We promote the development of organic culture and its benefits. We train our grape suppliers in the ways of organic management, and we hold workshops and talks at universities and schools to incentivize future professionals to practice this more sustainable agriculture. We also help rural schools with organic gardens in elementary education, and we have organic gardens for our workers.

People and Fair Trade

Respect for the dignity of the people that work at Emiliana is a fundamental value that motivated the development of our organic agriculture. We are certified Fair Trade, and have different initiatives of corporate social responsibility that guarantee conditions for the human development of Emiliana’s workers and in the surrounding communities.


Our certifications are a reflection of our commitment to quality